Hello, Internet! Yes, this is the cool initial post.
Hello, Internet!
Now, why on earth would a noob VTuber, let alone a streamer, would begin publishing a blog?
Very simple.
To begin writing cool shit.
In reality, I wanted to start writing one for years now, but now that I have recently acquired a domain, I figured there won’t be any better time than now, since I won’t need to rely on GitHub’s subdomain BS.
Well that, and I want this blog to eventually become a logging site for anything that ends up in my brain as an idea, be it:
- Build logs for projects or whatever;
- Game/software reviews;
& software tip guides;- If it ever comes to that - devlogs of any publicly-available software.
Anyway, I will do my best to put up a blog at best weekly, at worst at least monthly.
Thanks for reading this welcome blog, and I’ll catch you in future posts!